
I’m no fan, but Raab has been hard done by

Labelling the justice secretary a bully is no substitute for finding evidence that any of his actions merited his departure

The Times

This columnist is in a quandary. I do not like much of what I’ve heard about Dominic Raab. I do not warm to the individual whose character emerges with both definition and colour from Adam Tolley KC’s report, released yesterday.

Raab’s political direction has often been little short of repugnant to me. His role as one of the fiercest Brexit warriors strikes me as ever more ill-considered in light of what we now know about the failure of Brexit. His time as justice secretary was (to me) a disappointment, far removed from the reforming instincts of his predecessors like Robert Buckland, David Gauke and Michael Gove. And such stories as Tolley’s irritatingly unspecific report does disclose paint for me the picture of a minister I